4 Reasons Why You Need Video In Your Marketing Strategy

by | Jun 2, 2022

4 Reasons Why You Need Video In Your Marketing Strategy

Some companies have embraced the power of video in full force. But the reality is most have not and may still be on the fence about video marketing. Here are four reasons why you should be using video in your marketing strategy.

Video Never Sleeps 

A huge reason why you should be putting time and energy into video marketing is because video never sleeps. Once you take the time to sit down and create one or multiple videos and upload them online they never stop working. 

If you have clearly communicated useful information that video will continue to work for you day and night. It’s like having a marketing employee who works for you 24/7, 365.

You Don’t Have To Pay It Or Feed It

If you take the time to sit down for a couple of hours a week to shoot a few planned out videos the only thing that you are spending is your time. Creating videos in-house, even with an iphone can dramatically increase your online presence. And the best part is you don’t have to pay for it or feed it. 

A dedicated marketing person is very important and valuable. I am not trying to undermine the value of a dedicated marketing employee. What I am saying however is that most smaller to medium size businesses can’t afford to hire someone into this position. This is why video is priceless. When you create valuable content to educate your buyer’s it never stops working. And it is completely free.

You Can Communicate More With Video

You can communicate so much more with one video than you ever could with a photo.

Think about how much you could clearly communicate in a thirty second video vs just throwing some text over an image. The difference is staggering! Video also engages more senses. You have sight and sound with video versus a static image.  

Social And Web Platforms Favor Video

The reality is that every social media or browser platform favors video. Websites have better SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when there is data rich content on your website. This means more site traffic, longer site visits, and a higher ranking in search results. I can personally attest to this being true. In the past when I have added video to pages on a website that previously had no videos the traffic and retention rates skyrocketed. 

The change in popular social media platforms algorithms in the past six years has been noticeable. Apps like instagram and facebook used to be photos only when they launched. In 2016 Instagram added the ability to post videos. This changed the course of social media. Fast forward to 2022, photos don’t get much engagement or traffic anymore. This is why again I stress the importance of video. Gaining more impressions, likes and comments are the things that show your posts to more people in turn getting even more traffic.


In conclusion, the four reasons you should be using video in you marketing strategy are: 

  • Video Never Sleeps 
  • You Don’t Have To Pay It Or Feed It
  • You Can Communicate More Clearly With Video
  • Social And Web Platforms Favor Video

Related: 3 Uncommon Ways to Use Video for Your Business in 2022


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