
10 Proven KPIs To Track Your Video Marketing Campaigns (2022)

by | Sep 7, 2022

10 Proven KPIs To Track Your Video Marketing Campaigns

There is no question that video marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. However, in order to make sure that your campaigns are successful, you need to track key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this guide, we will discuss the top 10 KPIs that you should track in order to measure the success of your video marketing campaigns.

By tracking these metrics, you will be able to make necessary adjustments and improve your campaign results!


Monitoring the impressions you make on viewers will determine how many people have been exposed to your brand.

This is great for seeing how popular or intent-driven your video is from search.

The only disadvantage is that an impression is counted once the video’s first frame has been seen, so it does not imply that your video’s material was helpful to the viewer.

Here is an example.

When a user simply scrolls over your video in the Facebook newsfeed, they count as an impression.

It doesn’t measure the actual engagement of the audience. Despite this, it is still a fantastic KPI to assess the potential for brand recognition and awareness.


Views are a great metric to track the overall engagement of your video.

It is important to note that a view on YouTube is when a user watches for 30 seconds or more, or the whole video if it’s shorter than 30 seconds.

On Facebook, a view is counted after just three seconds.

This is a metric you should be tracking as it will give you an idea of how much of your video people are watching.


When it comes to measuring the success of a video, the number of clicks it gets is often seen as the be-all and end-all.

But, as any credible content creator knows, this figure can be deceiving.

Click rate is, of course, important, but it’s not the only factor that matters. You also need to take into account the quality of each click, as well as indicators like bounce rate, view-through rate, and different conversions.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each of these factors and how they can help you gauge the success of your videos.

Here are a couple of tips to help you get more clicks on your video:

  • Use an attention-grabbing headline (Not Too Long)
  • Add a call to action (CTA)
  • Optimize your thumbnails and descriptions
  • Include appropriate keywords in your video’s copy
  • Assure your video is in a great spot on your landing page

Unique users

One of the best KPIs to track when it comes to video marketing is the number of unique users who watch your videos.

This number will give you an indication of how many people are actually engaging with your content, as opposed to just stumbling across it (impressions).

There are a number of ways to encourage more people to watch your videos, including:

  • Creating compelling content
  • Using social media platforms to promote your videos
  • Using email marketing to share your videos with subscribers
  • Adding videos to your website or blog posts

Video Engagement And Bounce Rates

Video engagement is a metric that measures how long viewers watch your videos.

It’s important to track this number because it will give you an indication of how useful or interesting your videos are to your target audience.

A high video engagement rate means that people are watching your videos for a long time, which is a good sign that they’re enjoying your content.

Bounce rate, on the other hand, is the percentage of people who leave your site after watching only one video.

A high bounce rate indicates that people are not finding your videos relevant or interesting.

You can improve your bounce rate by:

  • Creating content that is relevant to your target audience
  • Make sure your videos are well-organized and easy to find
  • Using attention-grabbing thumbnails and descriptions

Ad recall lift

Ad recall is the number of viewers who remember your video ad after a set number of days have passed.

This is important because it helps you gauge how effective your video ad is in terms of branding and awareness.

If a viewer watches your video for longer, it usually correlates to a higher lift in ad recall. So, if you’re looking to make a lasting impression with your video ad, make sure it’s entertaining, informative, and most importantly, memorable.

View-through rate

The view-through rate (VTR) is a vital indicator of how engaged your audience is with your content.

The View-Through Rate is the percentage of people who saw an ad all the way through, out of all the people who had the ad load on their computer. It is usually used for video ads.

To calculate VTR, simply divide the number of people who watched your video until the end by the total number of views.

A high VTR indicates that viewers found your video engaging and informative.

A low VTR, on the other hand, suggests that viewers lost interest in your video and stopped watching before it was over.

Paying attention to VTR can help you fine-tune your content and ensure that you’re providing viewers with the information they’re looking for.

Watch time

Watch time is the total amount of time people have spent watching your videos.

This metric is important because it gives you an indication of how engaging and informative your videos are.

The longer someone watches your video, the more likely they are to be interested in your product or service.

Therefore, if you want to increase watch time, make sure your videos are well-produced and informative.

Consideration lift

Consideration lift is a metric that measures how much your video has increased brand consideration.

In general, the increase in a favorable response from viewers of your video as opposed to those who have not seen it is known as consideration lift.

Consideration lift is relatively hard to track. The best way to do it is to run a survey before and after your video is published and compare the results.

Conversions: Calls, Signups, Sales

If you’re including links, promo codes, or calls-to-action in your videos, it’s important to measure how successful you are in converting your viewers into leads.

The number of people who take the desired action indicates how convincing your video was.

To get this metric, you need to include contact information in your videos or clickable links that lead to your landing page or contact form.

By successfully measuring this metric, you can determine how effective your videos are at converting viewers into leads.


There are many different video marketing KPIs that can be used to track the success of your video marketing campaign.

The most important thing is to choose the KPIs that are most relevant to your business goals and video marketing strategy.

By tracking the right KPIs, you can fine-tune your video content and ensure that your videos are having the desired effect on your audience.

Related: 6 Reasons Your Video Marketing Isn’t Working (What To Do)

Related: The First 6 Videos Your Business Should Make (With Examples)


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